
CN 51-1675/C


A Study on Ancient Rhymes by Zou Hanxun

  • 摘要: 邹汉勋的古韵研究以传统哲学中的“数理”思想为指导,分古韵为正韵十五类,另有入声十部属之。邹氏正韵十五类与段玉裁的古韵十七部高度密合,其间传承关系颇为明显;在入声韵部的处理上邹与顾炎武、江永、戴震、段玉裁大为不同。邹氏开启了参酌方音以求古韵部音值的先河,他对语音演变的认识已有离散式音变理论的萌芽;然而,邹氏狃于南楚方音,推求古韵音值的过程中,失当之处不少。


    Abstract: The study on ancient rhymes by Zou Hanxun is based on the mathematical ideology from the traditional philosophy, and it classifies the ancient rhymes into fifteen types of basic rhymes and ten types of entering tones. The fifteen types of basic rhymes by Zou have a high degree of unity with the seventeen types of ancient rhymes by Duan Yucai. The relationship of transmission between them is quite obvious, but in terms of dealing with rhymes of entering tone, Zou is quite different from Gu Yanwu, JiangYong, DaiZhen and DuanYucai. Zou Hanxun pioneers to get the sound of ancient rhymes, referring to dialects, and his awareness of pronunciation changes reveals an embryo of the theory of dispersive phonetic change in western countries. However, being restricted to the Nancu dialect, the study on ancient rhymes by Zou made many mistakes in the process of deriving the sound of ancient rhymes.


