The Relationship Between Tang Geng and Su Shi and the Former's Literary View
摘要: 自宋人刘克庄以来, 人们都不认为唐庚是苏门人士。深入考察苏门人士的生卒年代、唐庚与苏轼的关系及交往情况, 证明唐庚无疑是北宋后期苏门文学群体的重要一员。唐庚的文学理论观念, 学界鲜有全面深入加以探讨者, 考察发现, 其与以欧阳修、苏轼兄弟为代表的北宋主流思想主张基本一致, 并适当吸收了以黄庭坚为代表的江西诗派的部分理论观点, 形成其自成一家的文学理论主张。Abstract: Tang Geng has not been grouped into Su School since Liu Kezhuang in Song Dynasty.That Tang was doubtlessly an important figure in Su School was verified by further exploration into detailed information of Su School members and the contact between the two.Tang's literary view was little discussed.New research unveiled the fact that his literary view was in agreement with the dominant one in North Song Dynasty held by Ou Yangxiu and Su brothers and had in part adopted the theoretical idea of Jiangxi Poetic School led by Huang Tingjian.