
CN 51-1675/C


A Comparative Study of J.M. Coetzee's and Peter Carey's Writing Perspective

  • 摘要: 在布克文学奖的颁奖史上,只有两位作家两度获奖,他们是彼得·凯里(Peter Carey) 和J.M. 库切(J. M. Coetzee),且这两位作家目前都拥有澳大利亚国籍。当文学研究者将这两位作家纳入文学研究范畴进行分析时,发现可以从世界文学与比较文学的角度研究这两位作家的作品。本文将从第三种文化的角度分析两位作家的作品,特别是他们在流散过程中所创作的具体作品来梳理他们的写作策略。


    Abstract: On the list of the Booker Prize winners, there are only two writers who have won the Booker Prize twice, and they are Peter Carey and J.M. Coetzee. Both of them hold Australian citizenship. When these two writers are put into the field of Australian Literature, many factors could be found which might help literary researchers study their works from the perspective of world literature and comparative literature. The author of this essay applies the concept of the Third Culture to probe into their diasporic writing perspective.


