
CN 51-1675/C


An Analysis of the Marginal Composition by Daur Writer Sana

  • 摘要: 萨娜一直坚持一种真实而具体的深入民族现代化精神危机的“边缘化”写作。她的小说介于传统与现实之间,既承传了古典美学中和谐的健康人性与诗意的生命智慧,又有对民族传统文化心理的深刻反思与理性批判,还反映出诗性失衡的现代焦虑情绪与尴尬生存处境。她的作品重视道德的自我完善与生命的内在超越,包蕴丰富的社会、历史、民俗、宗教、生态等文化人类学内涵与诗性价值,寄寓着对人类社会与命运的终极关怀与追问


    Abstract: Daur writer Sana keeps on marginal composition to explore spiritual crisis in the ethnic group's modernizing process. Her novel is between tradition and modern. Not only do her novel inherit healthy humanity and life wisdom in classical aesthetic, but also profoundly reflect and rationally criticize the traditional cultural psychology.Besides, they also reveal some modern anxiety and predicament, and attach great importance to the self-perfection of morality and immanent transcendence of life: elements that show some anthropological connotation of society, history, folklore, religion and ecology and so on. They express the ultimate concerns and question closely for human society and human destiny.


