余音袅袅 形诸笔墨——广告中头韵的翻译策略
Alliteration and Its Translation in Advertising
摘要: 头韵修辞具有音乐美、感染力,广泛应用于文学及广告语篇。本文结合中美广告实例,提出头韵的英译汉可用汉语的“形”(结构)补偿英语的“音”,以达到源语和目的语的最大近似度,从而突出广告的品牌区分度,最终达成品牌宣传之目的。Abstract: Alliteration is widely applied to literature and advertisements for its musical and impressive effect. This paper, by quoting and analyzing English advertisements created in China as well as in the U.S., points out that in E-C translation, the rhythmic beauty in the English language can be recreated by the structure of the Chinese language so as to maximize the equivalence between the SL and the TL, while at the same time distinguish brands and finally leads to action of branding.