
CN 51-1675/C


A Talented Media-man and Translator: A Study of Chen Jinghan's Literature Edition-translation-publication and its Influence

  • 摘要: 陈景韩是晚清民国时期著名的编辑家、出版家、翻译家。他以报刊为阵地,在编辑出版与文学翻译之间进行跨界运作,其编译出版思想与实践特点鲜明:编译选材富有时代气息,编译策略着眼读者接受,多方营销开拓传播渠道。他的编译出版活动对近现代传媒产生了深远的影响,既培植了大批商业化报刊编译人才,又繁荣了近现代影剧界的编剧题材,同时,也促进了其自身小说创作的革新。直至当下,陈景韩的编译出版活动仍具有重大现实启示意义。


    Abstract: Chen Jinghan is a well-acknowledged literature editor, publisher and translator of the press in the Late Qing and Republic of China periods. Based on the press, Chen steps across edition-publication and literature translation. The features of his editing-cum-translation and publication lie in three aspects: the selection of editing-cum-translation takes on the times flavor, his tactics are catering for readers' reception, and promoting distribution by many-sided marketing. What's more, to the modern media and himself, Chen's edition-translation-publication activity influences far and away: training many editor-cum-translators for the commercialized press, booming the playwriting for modern movie and drama circle, and advancing the innovation of his own novel-writing. Until now, Chen's edition-translation-publication activity is still of great significance in realistic enlightenments.


