
CN 51-1675/C


On Subsections Shift and Academic Changes

  • 摘要: 通过比较古代目录学著作中的《汉书·艺文志》、《隋书·经籍志》、《四库全书总目》,可以看出子部类目中的阴阳家、名家、墨家、纵横家逐渐消亡,又增加了艺术、谱录、类书、释家四个类别,子部著作的内容也出现一些变动。子部类目的增减与子部内容的调整,不只是数目的变化,其实还是中国古代学术发展的一个缩影。这变化也体现了中国传统文化因循与革新并进、生生不息的强大生命力。


    Abstract: By comparing bibliography work in ancient Han History: Literature and Arts, Sui Shu: the Classics, Comprehensive Contents of the Four Books, the Yin-Yang School, the Professionals, the Mohist School, it is found that the Zi-category gradually hastens the dissipation, with art, the genealogy, Lei Shu and the Buddhism added.The sub-work content also changes presently some changes. Besides page number changes, the sub-category fluctuation and sub-content were adjusted. Actually they are expressions of a miniature of academic development in ancient.This change also manifested the traditional Chinese culture. They revealed the innovation, advances with time, the formidable vitality the traditional Chinese culture.


