
CN 51-1675/C


Zhuang-ology Master Wang Shumin

  • 摘要: 庄子研究,是我国先秦诸子研究的重要领域之一。王叔岷治庄子之学数十年,从斠雠学入手,对《庄子》文句、版本源流进行了细致深入的校勘和梳理,从而对庄子的故里、生平及学问旨义进行了探究,多有新的见解以别前人之说,并立新体系,自成一家之言。


    Abstract: The study on Zhuangzi is one of the major fields for pre-Qin Dynasty scholars in our country. Wang Shumin, who studied Zhuangzi for decades, had a sufficient emendation and sorting for Zhuangzi's diction and version from the point of proofreading. And then he made a thorough inquiry about zhuangzi's hometown, lifetime and learning gist, and produced some new understandings which were different from the previous viewpoints, hence setting up a new system to establish his own school of thought.


