
CN 51-1675/C


Language Attrition of College English Teachers and Countermeasures

  • 摘要: 本文在调查的基础上探讨了高校英语教师的语言磨蚀问题。调查发现,53.5%的英语教师存在语言磨蚀现象,它具有过程的隐匿性、个体的差异性和受蚀技能的选择性等特点,且受任教课程、任教层次、语言习惯和语言水平等综合因素的影响。针对高校教师存在的语言磨蚀问题及其所产生的消极影响,文章提出了参加语言培训项目、加强学术英语学习、强化语言运用意识、改革大学英语教学以及开展语言社会服务等五项改进措施。


    Abstract: Based on a qualitative investigation, the article explores the phenomenon of college English teachers' language attrition. The investigation reveals that about 53.5% of college English teachers suffer from language attrition. Being a hidden process and varying among individuals as well as in attrited skills, English teachers' language attrition is affected by multi-factors such as the subjects and level of students they teach, habits of language use and their own English level. In order to prevent the adverse impacts of language attrition on English teachers' professional abilities, the writer proposes five countermeasures to enhance continuing education in language abilities, including joining language training programs, strengthening academic English learning, increasing the awareness of language use, carrying out reform on college English teaching and providing language services for the society.


