
CN 51-1675/C


Source Exploring of Confucianism Studies in Song-and-Yuan Dynasties

  • 摘要: 清初学者黄宗羲晚年撰著的《宋元儒学案》属未定稿。他从理学之儒观念表述宋元理学的宗传历史, 计完成三十一个学案, 并有数十则关于理学家为学宗旨和理学问题探讨的案语。此稿经其季子黄百家的补充纂辑, 是为“黄氏原本”。全祖望对此著进行重新编订和修补, 即是今传之百卷本《宋元学案》。全氏修补本完全违背黄宗羲原意, 未贯彻理学之儒的观念, 致使此著芜杂散乱, 淹没了原本之学术水平。因此, 按黄宗羲的观念与体例恢复《宋元儒学案》之“黄氏原本”应是中国学术史研究的一项重要的工作。


    Abstract: Confucianism Studies in Song-and-Yuan Dynasties edited in early Qing Dynasty by Huang Zongxi in his old age remained unfinished.He presented the history of Song-and-Yuan Confucianism from the perspective of new Confucianism, covering 31 studies and including tens of notes about new Confucian scholars' tenets of academic research and their discussion about problems for Confucianism study.This draft, amplified by his second son, Huang Baijia, was regarded as the "source text by Huang Zongxi".Then, re-edited and amplified by Quan Zuwang, it became the one-hundred-volume Studies in Song-and-Yuan Dynasties known by us readers today.Contrary to Huang's original practice, Quan didn't take the new Confucianism as the core conception for the amplified text, which made the material in the book miscellaneously scattered and greatly lower the original academic quality.Therefore, it's important for researchers of Chinese academic history to restore the "source text by Huang Zongxi"on the basis of his original conceptions and style.


