
CN 51-1675/C


Errors in Cao Xuequan's Sights in Shu

  • 摘要: 明人曹学佺编撰的《蜀中名胜记》保存了大量巴蜀文献,但由于编撰时间仓促,他对于一些材料的审核不够精细,故书中存在一些讹误之处。本文就其中四则比较典型的讹误辨正于此:卷八误将崔公辅诗句为李渭作,卷十五误以岑参嵩阳南溪别业为叙州南溪县别业,卷十七误以为白居易诗《涂山寺独游》中的“涂山寺”在巴县涂山,卷二十九误以李峤父李镇恶梓州事迹为苏味道父苏荣事迹。


    Abstract: Cao Xuequan, a scholar who lived in Ming dynasty, helped preserve lots of documents of Ba-Shu in his Sights in Shu. However, due to his carelessness in verifying some facts in haste, there are some errors in the book. This essay makes an attempt to correct four errors: in volume 8, mistaking Cui Gongfu's poem for Li WEi's; in volume 15, mistaking one Bieye for another; in volume 17, mistaking Tushansi in Bai Juyi's "solo traveling of Tushansi" for Tushan in Ba county; in volume 29, mistaking Li Zhenwu's deeds in Zizhou for Su Rong's.


