
CN 51-1675/C


An Empirical Research on Errors for Chinese Character Writing in the Field of Chinese as a Foreign Language

  • 摘要: 文章统计了1990—2016年175篇关于汉字书写偏误研究的文献,在Corder(1974)的偏误分析步骤的基础上,从确定研究对象、搜集语料、鉴别偏误、描述偏误、评估偏误和解释偏误六方面梳理了汉字偏误的研究情况。文章通过对以往的研究进行反思,得出结论:未来研究应在被试的选择上更加多元;在搜集语料上,应充分考虑语料的自然性和真实性、语言的获取途径及数据统计的便捷性;在偏误鉴别上,应综合考虑使用频率和生成者能否自行纠正两个标准,分别在个体层面和群体层面上鉴别偏误等。


    Abstract: Based on the statistics of 175 articles about Chinese character written from 1990 to 2016, this paper elaborates the research situation of errors of Chinese character writing from determining the object of study, collecting corpus, identifying errors, describing errors, evaluating errors and interpreting errors on basis of error analysis put forward by Corder in 1974. Through reflecting on past research, this paper got conclusions as followed: The research in future should cover three aspects: a) more multivariate choices on participants, b) considerate naturalness and authenticity, the way that language acquirement and the convenience for statistics when collecting corpus, c) comprehensively considerate two standards including the frequency for using and whether corrected by learners themselves, and identify errors on individual and group level respectively and so on.


