
CN 51-1675/C


A Cause Analysis of Rui-an Literary School in the Qing Dynasty

  • 摘要: 瑞安学派是清代乃至中国学术发展史上的一个重要流派。近代学者崔学彭、孔昭鑫、马君武、宋慈抱等曾言及瑞安学派,然学派成因却不得而知。本文认为:明中叶至清初的学术发展、乾嘉考据学的盛行、文字狱及《四库全书》等典籍纂修和科举、书院的驱动是推动学派形成的关键因素,家学渊源、姻亲关系、师友交流是学派形成与发展的重要内因。


    Abstract: Rui-an literary school is an important school in the history of the academic development in the Qing Dynasty and the Chinese academy of history. Cui Xuepeng, Kong Zhaoxin, Ma Junwu, Song Cibao had referred to the Rui-an school, but the origin of Rui-an school of is unknown. This paper argues that the academic development from the mid Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, literary inquisition and "Si Ku Quan Shu" classics writing and imperial examination system, the development of academies of classical learning are the era background driving factors for the the formation of the Rui-an school. And the family blood, affinity, and the teacher-freind communication are the accelerators.


