
CN 51-1675/C


An Analysis of Rhythm of Sentence Patterns in Eight-part Essay

  • 摘要: 八股文是明清时期用于科举考试的特殊文体,士子们在行文中独具匠心地使用多种句式。各类句式的合理选用及灵活搭配不仅使文章铺陈渲染、汪洋恣肆,而且使汉语各节奏形式相互套叠,从而表现出独特的句式韵律。本文主要结合吴洁敏的“汉语节奏套叠理论”分析八股文中“骈散句”“长短句”“排偶句”这三种特殊句式的韵律特征,旨在为八股文的韵律研究提供一些佐证材料和研究思路,并强调我们应本着“取其精华,去其糟粕”的精神继承八股文中可取的写作手法,使其语言艺术魅力得到发扬。


    Abstract: Eight-part essay is special genre for imperial examinations in Ming and Qing Dynasties when literates used several sentence patterns creatively in texts. The appropriate use and flexible collocation don't only render the essays and make them unrestrained, but also contribute to repeated use of Chinese rhythms, so as to present unique rhythm of sentence patterns. This paper focuses on analyzing rhythmic characteristics of "parallel prose sentences", "long and short sentences" as well as "paired sentences" in Eight-part essay according to Wu Jiemin's "theory about repetition of Chinese rhythms". The purpose is to provide some evidence and research ideas for the rhythm research. Additionally, we should take the essence and abandon the dregs, critically inheriting the writing method of the Eight-part essay. Only then the charm of the ancient Chinese written language in the Eight-part essay could be valued and developed.


