
CN 51-1675/C


On the Mongolian "Naadam" Heritage and Its Development

  • 摘要: 本文采用文献资料法、实地考察、综合分析等研究方法,对内蒙古自治区蒙古族“那达慕”的产生、传承、发展等进行系统研究。由研究可知,“那达慕”在汉语中为盛会、喜庆之意,它源于蒙古族原始的游牧生活。从成吉思汗时期的“依合忽力勒台”到元代的“诈马宴”、清朝时的“乃日”,再到今天的“那达慕”,本质上都是以射箭、赛马、摔跤等民族传统体育项目为主的集会。第一届鄂尔多斯国际那达慕大会在内蒙古的举行,标志着“那达慕”大会开始登上世界历史舞台。但随着国际化、商业化发展趋势的推进,“那达慕”原有的民族传统文化也开始渐渐流失。


    Abstract: This paper studies systematically the emergence, transmission and development of the Inner Mongolian Naadam by means of document research, on-the-spot investigation and comprehensive analysis. The research shows that "Naadam", which comes from the primitive nomadic life of Mongolian nationality, means a grand meeting and an occasion of great festivity in which archery, equestrianism and wrestling predominate in Gen Gi Khan period's "According to Hu Leelor Station", the Yuan Dynasty's "Hoax Horse Feast", the Qing Dynasty's "Nairi" and today's "Naadam". The First Ordos International Nadam Festival is celebrated in Inner Mongolia, which marks "Naadam" recognized by the world. However, "Naadam", as a part of the traditional national culture, disappears gradually with the promotion of the internationalization and commercialization.


