
CN 51-1675/C


The First Chinese Empress and the Culture China

  • 摘要: 认同华夏与中原的凝聚力与向心力,是中华大一统文明共同体形成和发展的根本动力。即使如南北朝纷争割据的各政权也以争夺中华文化正统为荣,这正是隋唐得以实现大一统的精神支柱。“文化中国”是历史发展的必然走向和趋势,各个时代的历史人物都对文化中国的坚守和发展作出了自己的贡献。武则天是初唐时期文化中国的一个特殊文化符号。她适应南北朝以来文化中国大一统认同的潮流,以《周礼》为号召,推动隋唐中央集权制度的发展与改革,促进多元一脉的民族文化国家的发展,提升大一统的国家形象,继承有唐“以文治天下”的传统,亲撰《臣轨》,倡导“以道德化天下”,在中国官德教化史上留下了靓丽的一笔。她为文化中国的历史发展作出了自己特殊的贡献。


    Abstract: Acceptance of Huaxia (an ancient name for China) and Central China is the basic driving force for the formation and development of the Big Chinese Unification. This was no exception even during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, a period of separate regimes whose administrations exerted to uphold the Chinese Culture as orthodox. This was also a certain mental support for Sui and Tang Dynasties to achieve their Big Unification Effort. Hence Culture China is a historical necessity which all Chinese dynasties have made their respective contribution. Wu Zetian, the first Chinese Empress and a particular Chinese Culture Symbol, adapted herself to the common recognition. Based on the Rites of Zhou Dynasty, promoted the Centralization Authority, contributing to the multiple-dimension culture and the image of China. she inherited the tradition of Governing the Country with Culture and even drafted the book Minister Rules, trying to Rule through Morality. Her act set a good example for educating officials with moral standard.


